Today - a guest post from my wife Rachael.
Wow, three jobs in three months. I have been a speech-language pathologist at a nursing home, at Giant Step - a day-program for children with disabilities and their siblings, and a school district. Frankly, after about a month at a job I get bored and can’t wait for something new.
I am undertaking the longest job contract I have ever had, nine-months in the Hickman Mills School district. Yikes, that is a long time – we will see how it goes. I’ve started working at Warford Elementary. I am very excited about starting the semester, the first half of my day I conduct reading therapy in a classroom of kindergarten through second grade children with multiple and severe handicaps.
In July, Tim and I went to Tucson so I could interview with the Communication Science and Disorders Ph.D. program. I talked with one professor who was a Christian and when I told her that Tim and I were going to plant a church she was very excited. She said that virtually none of the faculty or students were Christians. Then I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement; never had I realized what a mission field my profession was. Please pray that I am accepted into the program and that I can actively do mission work within the ranks of the University of Arizona.