Friday, September 30, 2005

Word from the Wife

Today - a guest post from my wife Rachael.

Wow, three jobs in three months. I have been a speech-language pathologist at a nursing home, at Giant Step - a day-program for children with disabilities and their siblings, and a school district. Frankly, after about a month at a job I get bored and can’t wait for something new.

I am undertaking the longest job contract I have ever had, nine-months in the Hickman Mills School district. Yikes, that is a long time – we will see how it goes. I’ve started working at Warford Elementary. I am very excited about starting the semester, the first half of my day I conduct reading therapy in a classroom of kindergarten through second grade children with multiple and severe handicaps. The second half I am conducting kindergarten through fifth grade language and articulation therapy one-on-one. After school I work at Giant Step. So if you are keeping track, that is two jobs for the foreseeable future. Please pray that God will give me strength to continue serving students and that I can be example for the students to follow.

In July, Tim and I went to Tucson so I could interview with the Communication Science and Disorders Ph.D. program. I talked with one professor who was a Christian and when I told her that Tim and I were going to plant a church she was very excited. She said that virtually none of the faculty or students were Christians. Then I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement; never had I realized what a mission field my profession was. Please pray that I am accepted into the program and that I can actively do mission work within the ranks of the University of Arizona.


Monday, September 26, 2005

Back to School

For the first time in almost a decade I'm not planning the semester in Kirksville. I’m back in the classroom this semester, but on the other side of the desk this time. I'm substitute teaching for Hickman Mills School District in Kansas City. (yes, Hickman is where Rachael went to school) The district sits between the infamous Kansas City School District (Oh, the accreditation woes) and suburban districts - basically the transition school for the white flight from Kansas City. The district is ethnically diverse, but predominately African-American. (yes, I'm "that one white substitute"). Apparently, they can’t seem to find enough substitutes for the High Schools in the district. Hmmm… Enter Tim the “experienced permanent substitute.” More on this experience in future posts.

Welcome Home
- Rachael and I have settled in at the Clouse House in Kansas City.
Paul and Sharon (Rachael’s parents) have generously allowed us to live with them for this year while we’re on furlough. It’s taken a little getting used to living with a large family again. In Kirksville our neighbors were so quiet, it seemed like we were the only ones in the building. After a while I just thought of our apartment as our house. It has helped me to learn patience all over again to realize that I can’t just take a shower, or get online, or do laundry whenever I want. I think it will be an educational year.

Licensed and Official - In March, Rehoboth Baptist Church in Kirksville, Mo licensed me as a Minister of the Gospel. Only a few short days later I officiated my first wedding ceremony for my sister Connie and her new husband Tim (Love the name!) Moore. May found me officiated wedding number 2 for Kacie & Jeremy, a couple from the church in which I was raised. Now that I know what I’m doing, give me a call if you’re thinking about tying the knot.

Art From the Past
- This piece was created for a Damascus Road at Truman State University.

That's it for me tonight.

