Monday, March 06, 2006

:. Another Fine Mess ...

Just when you think Christianity can’t get a worse name, along comes someone with a harebrained idea that misses the whole point of both what Jesus taught and how our country works.

House Concurrent Resolution 13, currently pending in Jeff City would name Christianity as Missouri’s official "majority" religion. State representative David Sater of Cassville in southwestern Missouri, sponsored the resolution, but he has refused to talk about it on camera or over the phone.

The resolution would recognize "a Christian god," and it would not protect minority religions, but "protect the majority's right to express their religious beliefs. The resolution also recognizes that, "a greater power exists," and only Christianity receives what the resolution calls, "justified recognition."

Every time I hear of something like this, I cringe. It signals yet another round of conversations on the horizon where I have to explain that people like Pat Robertson don’t speak for all Christians.

Oh boy.

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