Tuesday, June 06, 2006

:. Packing Up & a Legacy Continues

When we moved from Kirksville, we moved a lot of stuff that we "couldn't live without.” After a year of living without 90% of it (as it was packed up in the garage, basement and attic) we decided to revisit our stuff.

Now, we have three categories: 1 - Take to Tucson (the essentials), 2 - Leave in the Clouse house attic (the somedays - mostly kids books and books Rachael will need when she becomes a prof), and 3 - Sell & give away (the organ we used as a headboard in K'ville, about 400 books).

We're making progress, but it's getting stressful and sad. Neither of us likes moving. Everything about it stresses us out. Especially this time.

We're selling the car (anyone interested?) and planned on retiring the van, until it got a last minute reprieve.

That's right, for all of you who decried the end of the van; you may rest assured that it will live on in its unstoppable glory as we pass it on to my brother-in-law Jarred. All he has to do is get his license, learn the "put it in neutral and coast, while turning it off and back on" trick to fix the transmission when it's not working, remember the combination to open the doors and learn how to gauge his speed by the traffic around him ('cause the broken speedometer certainly won't help).

And the kicker - according to Blue Book, it's still worth twice as much as the car! (Even in the shape it’s in!)

I'll admit it - I'm going to miss it.

That’ll do van, that’ll do.

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