Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Current Rachael Status

Today Rachael found out that due to a stupid miscommunication about two levels above her, she will not be working at the school she was sent to, but rather a different school about twenty minutes away.

Current Rachael Status: Pissed


I just talked to Rachael on the phone and she said that things went well at the new school.


I'm working on a book while we're in KC. Please help me out by sending me any stories you have about living with parents, in-laws, siblings, other family or roommates.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New Beginnings

Rachael had her first day of training yesterday for her new job as a Speech Language Pathologist at the Hickman Mills School District in Kansas City. She was underwhelmed to say the least. Here's hoping the rest of the week goes better.

The last few weeks have become a bit more difficult for us energy-wise. Basically, she spends all day around people and just wants to cocoon in our room for the evening and I spend the day working from home and can't wait to leave after supper and go out somewhere. There are a couple of coffee shops with wireless nearby. I think I might start going to one of them during the day for a change of pace.

Today is our anniversary (awesome)! We're going out tonight and will hopefully have a nice, relaxing, romantic evening.

I have been thinking a lot about relationships and how fragile they are. You know, right now it feels like I should be making plans for the beginning of the school year. So it feels like it's just been a little bit since I've seen everyone and I'll see them again soon. But I won't. Or if I do it won't be for very long. It's just different when you don't see people on a regular basis. You have to work harder at keeping relationships and it's hard not to feel like it's one-sided. Oh well, part of moving on to the next stage in life.

After Brad and Lacey's wedding, we drove Brad's car down to Tucson with Ryan so that Brad and Lacey would have one less thing to worry about when they moved. We stayed with Ryan and Liz for a couple of days and flew back to KC.

Rachael got the chance to meet with three different profs about PhD programs and we looked at a number of different condos, houses and townhouses. I have to admit that visiting Tucson was not particularly encouraging. None of the properties we looked at were even close to what we want to find and the whole place just looked dirty.

I'm excited about the ministry opportunities there, but not thrilled about living in Tucson. I really want to make sure that we don't just focus on college students. I think it's easy to focus on students because that's what we know, but I don't think DR Tucson will ever be anything more than a campus ministry if we don't reach post-college, young families and other adult groups as well.
