It was surprising how long her hair had gotten. We both really like her new haircut. It'll be cooler for when we get to Tucson. She hasn't had her hair cut this short since before our wedding. It's really cute.
We all enjoyed it quite a bit, but the preview choice really bothered me. All the previews were for kids’ flicks (How to Eat Fried Worms, a cartoon where a pet rat gets flushed down the toilet, a cartoon where the animals on the farm act like humans when no one is looking) except for the very first one. In a theatre full of parents and their young children, we cringed through a preview of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the beginning.
We sat on the front row of the upper section and right before the movie Rachael put her feet up on the wall in front of us and noticed that she was wearing shoes from two different pairs.
After the movie, we went to Panera for lunch, where we also bought a loaf of sourdough bread. Last night we watched an episode of Good Eats where Alton Brown describes how to make the perfect French toast (his secret: stale bread and half & half). We'll be leaving our loaf of sourdough out overnight for a breakfast treat tomorrow.