Friday, February 24, 2006

A Pair of Busy Weekends

Rachael and I spent last weekend on the road, traveling to Jefferson City to speak at a conference and then to Kirksville for a birthday party. In Jeff city, we spoke at the MO BSU Leadership Development Conference, and event that Gene Austin (our campus minister from Truman) runs.

Rachael's sessions were on how to develop a comprehensive women's ministry. I presented resources to use in ministry and how to take inspiration from resources to create new ministry tools.
Both of us enjoyed the conference main speaker, Alex McManus. He shared a number of interesting ideas for ministry many of which incorporated arts and technology. Check out his blog(or xanga) or his world music band.

We also liked getting the chance to see some of our friends from Kirksville, even if it wasn't for very long.

After our part of LDC was over on Saturday, we drove up to Kirksville, where we met up with other Truman alum to celebrate the founding of The Bulldog Party (an organization Rachael ran while in school). We had a great time. A number of times people asked about ministry and we had the chance to share. We also talked about marriage with some of our friends who had a dim view of marriage. One told us that seeing us made her think that maybe marriage isn't the end of all life and that we gave her hope that one day it might be something to consider.

This weekend looks to be another whirlwind of activity. Tonight we are doing our Film & Theology night, showing The Story of Us. Tomorrow we are attending a Children's ministry conference, and Sunday morning I am speaking to the youth at Cornerstone during Sunday School about God's will, ministry and the future. We'll end the weekend with part two of our small group's Got Niche? study on spiritual gifts (by far the best spiritual gifts material we've ever seen).

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